Tracey Lee Ann
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I am an Earth Angel.  I have successfully past all the tests of the Spiritual Realm.  I have battled spiritual warfare and I actually have the respect of both sides of the fence, as I have walked through Hell and Heaven.  I have been awarded the highest of honours as I have beaten the Devil himself.  The purity of my LOVE is Unconditional and my dedication to my Mission is unbreakable.  My abilities are phenomenal and developing at the fastest rate possible for my Human form to withstand, this is to enable me to provide the best and highest of service to the Souls of God's Realm.

It's your time to commence training!!!!  You are safe, loved, protected and nurtured with me and with the Universal Order of protection as you undergo your training.  


I might add that for every good soul there is equally a bad, so if you are on the other side of the fence, I will feel you and watch you.  I will unconditionally love you so much that you will either yield to me and change sides or you become so sick you leave of your own accord.  You have FREE WILL. :-D