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Tracey Leslie

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Tracey is an Emotional Confidence and Mindset Coach. She is passionate about supporting women in STEM professions to understand themselves better, increase their confidence and overcome the limits they unconsciously place on themselves and their potential.

Tracey worked as a water and wastewater engineer for more than 25 years in consulting, local and state government and for NGOs doing humanitarian emergency relief work. Her work has taken her all over the world and she has gained valuable experience and insights to the challenges this world is facing. She is most proud of her emergency relief work which involved working in complex contexts that taught her to be resourceful, calm under pressure and the value of providing those in need with basic human rights to water and sanitation.

Like a lot of others in the industry, Tracey struggled with confidence, self-doubt and expressing her thoughts and opinions in the workplace and in her personal life. This struggle was not evident to others and one she didn’t feel able to talk about. This ultimately led to feeling unfulfilled, struggling with health, her relationship, and who she was as a person.

This personal struggle led her to coaching which was critical to improving her health, relationships and creating a career which she is very passionate about. She believes there is a huge amount of unrealised potential in women in STEM that is critical to resolving some of the challenges this world is facing.