I am Trish, A Guided Health coach with extensive knowledge and knowing on how to detox and cleanse your body from toxins, heavy metals and pollutants that we are bombarded with daily.
I love to help people regain their power, their health, their vitality and bring them back home to self. I give people the tools to heal themselves. You are the ultimate healer. I am just the teacher, offering you guidance on your human journey.
I incorporate breath work and sound healing/meditation. I give you tools to reset your nervous system and become the powerhouse you came here to be.
I love quantum physics and understanding our matrix/reality. I am bringing in this knowledge to help you gain a better innerstanding of how and why. To help you heal all aspects of Self.
I am passionate about all things health and healing. I am passionate in helping you heal and to become the light within.
So within, So without. Love 💕