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Turning Teardrops into Joy

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Co-creating a world where everyone can flourish

Turning Teardrops into Joy is the legal structure through which Matthew Clarke and Annabella Rossini-Clarke support various international development projects

Matt and Bella are just ordinary folk, living in Australia, but with a passion for making a positive difference in the world. They have written and published two books: Scattering Church and Disrupting Mercy.

Bella runs a sustainable social enterprise selling takeaway coffee to raise funding for projects such as a maternity clinic in Ghana, emergency relief in Fiji, and vocational training for youth at risk in South Africa. 

Matt has worked in IT, most recently for an international development agency, but he now focuses on research into the on-going problems of human trafficking. He is the President of the Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand, a Research Scholar with the Global Association of Human Trafficking Scholars, and a Senior Member of the Australian Computer Society. See his LinkedIn profile for more career information, or this ORCID for his academic publications.