Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley 矽谷月老's logo

Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley 矽谷月老

Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley 矽谷月老's logo
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矽谷月老自 2021 創立後,目前是北美台灣人線上快速約會的第一品牌。

會創立這個服務是因為創辦人 Ken 當初在看了網飛的《印度媒婆》幫助全世界的印度人找對象後,深受啟發。身旁有不少單身的朋友的他,為了幫助朋友們,便開始經營矽谷月老。

現在矽谷月老自 2021 已經舉辦超過 50 場活動,超過 1800 人次參加線上快速約會活動,讓在約會軟體上苦苦找不到台灣人對象的單身朋友們,另闢蹊徑,找到幸福!

Since its establishment in 2021, "Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley" has become the leading brand for online speed dating among Taiwanese individuals in North America.

The inception of this service was inspired by its founder, Ken, who was deeply moved after watching Netflix's "Indian Matchmaker," which helps Indian individuals worldwide find partners. With many single friends around him, Ken began running the "Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley" to assist his friends.

As of 2021, the Taiwanese Matchmaker in Silicon Valley has already organized over 50 events, with more than 1800 participants joining online speed dating activities. This alternative approach has enabled single individuals who were struggling to find Taiwanese partners on dating apps to discover happiness through a new way!