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The Visual Arts and Design Educators Association of NSW seeks to promote the study of Visual Arts and Design education and to inspire and support Visual Art and Design teachers.

Our strategic goals include:

Professional Development

VADEA NSW will coordinate, plan and implement professional development programs that enhance the ability of members to be effective and valuable educators, leaders and advocates for visual arts and design education. Professional development broadly addresses the concepts of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional commitment. More specially, it seeks to empower educators in their practical/technical and conceptual knowledge of content, nurture teaching and learning practices, and foster leadership and team building capacities.
This goal will be addressed through the learning and interactions between educators that take place in the annual conference, specialised workshops, regional workshops, other meetings of the association, publications, services and activities.

Building a More Cohesive Professional Community

VADEA NSW will work towards building a more cohesive professional community amongst visual arts and design educators through enhanced communication strategies that facilitate the professional development needs and recognition of members. Building this professional community involves a professional commitment on the part of members to enhancing their professional knowledge and professional practice.
This goal will be addressed through various strategies including a membership drive and the renewal of memberships; the branding of the association; the development of interactive web based communications with and between members (and non-members); posted reports from the President and executive members; occasional professional publications, e-news; and member blog.

Advocacy for Visual Arts and Design Education

VADEA NSW will work to build the profile of the value of student learning in the visual arts and design and communicate this understanding to visual arts and design and other educators, policy makers, parents, students and the community. Advocacy involves a professional commitment to maintaining the development of professional knowledge and practice and a commitment to the profession and wider community.
This goal will be addressed through the development of alliances with key individuals and stakeholders, and state, national and international professional associations and organisations to strengthen policy and practice; contributions to state and national initiatives and debates; presentations at state, national and international conferences in art and design education and in the broader educational context; showcasing exemplary performances of students and associated practices in teaching and learning including curriculum design, assessment and teacher performances; publications in peer reviewed journals and other educational and visual arts and design/arts journals.

Research in Visual Arts and Design Education

VADEA NSW will work on expanding access to current research in visual arts and design education and emerging policy issues that affect the professional practices, knowledge base and values of visual arts and design educators. Research involves a professional commitment to maintaining the development of professional knowledge and practice and a commitment to the profession and wider community.
Connect visual arts and design educators in a range of fields, including galleries, museums, universities, high schools and primary schools. And service the needs of educators in both metropolitan and regional areas.