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Vanessa Searle

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Meet Vanessa, a mother of 4 boys, 2 cockatiels, and 2 lovely fur babies.

Vanessa is a specialist in the field of ‘Energy medicine and Emotional Transformation. Her qualifications are varied and include a Bch of Arts in Community Work, a Diploma as an ICPKP Professional Kinesiologist, and a Dip of Remedial Massage. She is also a Certified Results Coach, BWRT Practitioner, Emotion and Body Code Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Level 2 Certified Yoga Teacher, and Certified Sound Healing Therapist.

Vanessa has worked in her own clinic in Ferny Hills, North Brisbane for over 10 years facilitating empaths and sensitive souls to transform their lives by letting go of the past and what no longer serves them. She restores hope and balance, and brings their body systems backn to good health, whilst educating, empowering, and supporting them to regain their sense of self, helping them to generate greater self-awareness, so they can live more authentically.

Vanessa also runs her own workshops, yoga, and sound healing events, and plays a variety of instruments singing devotional mantras in Kirtan bands around Brisbane.