The Victorian Archaeology Colloquium is an annual one-day gathering that brings together archaeologists, heritage practitioners, Traditional Owners, academics, and students for an informal discussion of the archaeology and cultural heritage of the State of Victoria.
We invite Colloquium presenters to publish articles developed out of their presentations in Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria, the peer-reviewed proceedings of the Victorian Archaeology Colloquium. This edited volume has been published annually by La Trobe University since 2012. Our current editorial team includes Deb Kelly, Elizabeth Foley, David Frankel, Caroline Spry and Susan Lawrence, with the assistance of Ilya Berelov, Shaun Canning and Mark Eccleston.
The proceedings are well-regarded for publishing a variety of short reports and longer articles on wide-ranging topics for a broad readership. We have published results from Aboriginal, historical and maritime archaeological studies, Victorian heritage legislation, Traditional Owner perspectives, public archaeology, and a range of new approaches and technologies for investigating the rich cultural heritage of the state.