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Viktoriya Hevyak

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Hi! My name is Victoria. I’m originally from the Ukraine, arriving in Australia just over a year ago.  

Spending many years travelling the world as a professional dancer, along with owning fitness company in the Ukraine, where I’ve been taught TRX,  HIT, Pilates, Barre Stretching & Mobility Classes 

Holding a Bachelors & Masters Degree in Olympic & Professional Sports along with a Master of Rhythmic Gymnastics, I  also a fully qualified in Pilates Mat, Reformer & Cadillac Pilates instructor. 

Additionally I’m a Master Trainer  by “BALLance Dr. Tanja Kühne” - New training concept with equipment specifically designed for the back health. 

BALLance method involves more than 12 years of experience working with patients with back pain of all ages, genders and health conditions.

My passion in life is to pass on the joy of movement and help people feel the benefits afterwards.

Also I’m a big fan of traveling and experiencing new cultures, people.

My clients nickname me the Angel of steel,  as i make them work hard with a smile, kindness and love...