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Viky & Dodi
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Viky & Dodi manifested each other and their sacred union in 2019. They are living and creating together a relationship that goes beyond imagination and even beyond manifestation. It wasn't all sunshine and roses.. but they learned to thrive from difficulties and created a powerful Sacred Union. They grew and developed so much during the past years, and now they serve humanity together to help others do the same.

Viky Piccioni is a Love & Relationship Expert, Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Author, Podcaster, and Artist.

Dodi Cirmeni is a Spiritual Master and Intuitive Healer.

They are both experts in Conscious Relationships, Manifestation, Personal Development, Self-Healing, and Subconscious Mind Reprogramming.