Who Are Voices Vic?
Uniting's Voices Vic is an award-winning and research supported specialist program improving the wellbeing and recovery of people who hear voices.
Led by peers with lived & living experience in hearing voices and mental health, Voices Vic provides dynamic recovery groups for adults & youth. We also facilitate trainings across Australia for organisations and individuals who work and care for voice hearers and voice hearers themselves.
What We Do?
Voices Vic has been delivering extensive training, workshops and providing mentoring support to the voice hearing community in Australia for over 15 years. Our team of professionals have lived & living experience of hearing voices and mental health recovery. We offer a range of trainings for mental health professionals, peer workers, voice hearers and family, friends & carers.
Hearing Voices Support Groups:
We offer support groups for young people (16 - 25) & adults (25+) who hear voices to share about their voices, learn coping strategies and empower themselves to take ownership of their voice hearing experience.
We also offer mentoring to organisations & individuals who would like to setup and facilitate a Hearing Voices support group using the Hearing Voices Approach.
Foundations of the Hearing Voices Approach:
- Hearing voices is a common human experience
- Recovery is about changing the relationship with the voices and transforming the voice hearers’ experiences to acceptance
- The experience of hearing voices is meaningful
- We define ‘hearing voices’ as an umbrella term used to refer to auditory, visual, olfactory sensory experiences, and beliefs that others around them do not experience
For any enquiries, please contact:
P: 9386 2876
General enquiries: vvadmin@vt.uniting.org
Training enquiries: vvtraining@vt.uniting.org
Youth enquiries: vvyouth@vt.uniting.org