Waikato University Law Students' Association's logo

Waikato University Law Students' Association

Waikato University Law Students' Association's logo
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We are a non-profit registered charitable incorporated society at the Te Piringa-Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, run by a group of student volunteers. We are a vibrant community of passionate, aspiring law students' dedicated to excellence aimed to promote educational and intellectual activities for all law students at the University of Waikato, advocate for their rights and wellbeing, and value the diverse communities within the association and the Faculty of Law. WULSA's objectives include safeguarding members' educational and vocational interests, engaging with law students locally and internationally, organising educational, social, and cultural events, enhancing understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi and New Zealand jurisprudence, commenting on significant social issues, collaborating with various law and student organisations, publishing relevant literature, and practicing sound financial management in compliance with the Incorporated Societies Act.

Charities Registration Number: CC55779