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Water Shepherd

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Existence is weird. I seek out Truth, but never actually find it. I value kindness, communication, peace, & love. I care about our physical, mental, spiritual, & community wellbeing & most of all, I value human connection. I am a heart opener. <3

My name is Water Shepherd and I am the CEO, consultant and human BEING that runs Third Eye Integration, a corporate consulting agency that specializes in organizational wellness.  We run free and low cost events as part of our community outreach program. We believe everyone should have access to a safe community where we can come together in a very conscious way to create the world we want. We host events at the Empower House Community Gathering Space where all people are accepted and loved. We believe when people feel safe and supported, they will naturally practice kindness, feel better, increase their motivation and focus and have a reduction in anxiety, stress and depression. Do you want more information about Third Eye Integration and how we can work with your company to provide workshops, training and wellness services? For more information, go to https://www.thirdeyeintegratio... or call Water Shepherd at 623-986-3987.