Wendy Maslin

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Wendy is an Emotional Healer based in Elwood with an international client base and works with clients as vast as Hollywood actresses to psychiatrists who want to learn how to heal and let go of uncomfortable emotions.

Wendy started her career as a weight loss nutritionist and quickly realised that there was something deeper going on with her clients, and it wasn’t for a lack of knowledge about food and exercise. She noticed that what held people back was emotional challenges and subconscious blocks. At the same time she also suffered from a range of her own health challenges, severe digestive issues with high stress and anxiety and realised they were linked to some deeper subconscious blocks. She went on to work in a high-pressure career in the food industry, importing food and developing products for a range of health food companies including brands such as Keep it Cleaner. During this time she learnt the very best of mind body medicine methods to heal both herself and others. Today, she helps people move through long held emotional patterns and trauma that holds them back. Most people come to Wendy after they’ve tried everything and it’s not working. If you want to save some time and get to the root cause, don’t delay.