WHARE HAU AKO – Ko wai māua? Who are we?
Cindy Kawana (Ngaruahine, Rangitane ki Wairarapa) and Keri Milich (Ngāpuhi) are long time friends and creatives, providing creative Māori and upcycling wānanga for a number of years.
In January 2025 our long time dream of opening Whare Hau Ako happened – to provide creative spaces and opportunities for whānau to learn, share knowledge and skills, and grow their hauora.
Whare Hau Ako sits on the whāriki of Whakamana i Te Whānau Charitable Trust, which is set up to whakamana whānau Māori through programmes and activities to overcome adversity, improve their health, increase participation in their communities and be leaders in their homes, workplaces, and whānau.
At Whare Hau Ako – we have a number of workshops and wānanga to offer to community groups, to support hauora through creativity. We have have a particular focus on kaitiakitanga o te taiao, and believe that upcycling and creating something new from waste is not only fun, but is also healing for the ngākau and te taiao. We look forward to having more kōrero with you to connect our kaupapa with your community.
Mā te mahi toi, ka piki te hauora
Through creativity and art, your health will flourish and grow