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Whispers From Beyond - Anthony Grzelka

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Embraced by those who have lost loved ones and friends, courted by the media and celebrities, Anthony is in demand for his ability to communicate with the dead. Considered to be one of this country’s leading Mediums, this father of three is recognised for his unique talent to connect those seeking confirmation that life exists after death, with a down-to-earth, practical and compassionate approach.

Anthony Grzelka stepped into the media’s psychic spot light over twelve years ago and has rapidly risen to international acclaim earning him the title Australia's ‘Ghost Whisperer’. Endorsed by America’s James Van Praagh the creator and executive producer of TV’s “Ghost Whisperer”, Anthony’s skill for connecting with and conveying messages from loved ones passed is simply astounding.  The accuracy and level of detail given to him is spellbinding. Years of grief, guilt, anguish, or even hatred can dissolve with the utterance of one sentence or a simple turn of phrase from spirit. Individuals and audiences alike leave Anthony feeling a great sense of comfort, love, and relief. But more than that, faith is restored—there is life after death.
Despite Anthony’s unprecedented success, his down-to-earth charismatic charm is entertaining and enlightening.  Anthony was the first Medium in Australia to run live events offering readings, (connection to the spirit world) to an audience. Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful American Mediums; John Edwards and James van Praagh, Anthony has been successfully touring Australia to sell-out audiences for the past twelve years.
His uncanny skill to re-connect lives from past to present has led to television appearances (including as a contestant on Channel 7 series THE ONE), radio, magazines and newspaper interviews as well as regular air time slots as a local identity. Anthony’s work as a Ghost Whisperer has also led to requests from Police both here and overseas for his help in assisting with major crimes.
When Anthony is not on tour, conducting private readings, producing meditation CDs, holding workshops, seminars or ghost busting tours, he is penning his craft. His latest book Spooked contains photographs of unexplained images and leaves readers in no doubt there is more than one kind of ghost that goes bump in the night. Anthony’s two previous books, Medium down Under and Life & Beyond: A Medium’s Guide to Dealing with Life and Loss, have sold thousands of copies.

For further details visit Anthony’s website 
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