The Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (WDREC) is unique in Australia as an integrated dementia centre that is active across a range of disciplines, seeking to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers. The WDREC aims to:
- Better understand the diseases affecting the brain that cause progressive decline in functioning affecting memory, problems solving skills, function and social behaviour;
- Develop evidence-based models of care provision for people with dementia and their carers;
- Determine how to reduce risk of dementia by building resilience through ageing
- Provide educational programs to build knowledge and understanding of dementia within the community.
The Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, is one of Australia’s leading health and medical research institutes.
We strive for a world where the diseases that currently touch every Tasmanian – such as multiple sclerosis, dementia, arthritis, heart disease and cancer – are halted. How to prevent, treat and cure these diseases is known, and the benefits are available to everyone.
We work collaboratively with the community and consumers, other researchers, health services, government, industry and funders to achieve our purpose of enabling healthier, longer and better lives for Tasmanians through internationally significant medical research.
We undertake excellent laboratory, clinical and population health research in themes that reflect the burden of disease in the Tasmanian community and our expertise in addressing these conditions. Our local research is of global significance.