The opportunity for deep reset, Waratah brings together truly unique retreat experiences gleaned from a lifetime of living and learning within the realms of transformational embodiment. Yoga, Mindfulness, Ayurveda, Tantra and process work to renew and restore on all levels.
The retreat experience is a melding of various modalities, gathered from a lifetime of exploring the realms of human consciousness and how to get more from life. Practical approaches that cross into the spiritual yet always remain grounded within the earthly experience. 'Spiritual without the woo woo' as many retreat attendees say. Aiming thus to bring forth an expanded experience into the world within our everyday, walking, waking reality.
Combining strength with softness, Waratah brings warmth, compassion and deep understanding to her presentations. Infusing her teaching with understandings gained from Psychotherapy and Positive Psychology which blend seamlessly with Yogic Philosophy. Bringing mind, body, breath and spirit together in grounded, intuitive sequences.
For Waratah, the retreat experience allows the alchemical process of tuning into ones true, deeper, higher Self. Through the blending of new and ancient practices from the East to the West allows participants to gain greater access to the truth of being.
Utilising the wisdom of Yoga, Mindfulness, Tantra, Ayurveda, Taoism, Wellness Coaching, Positive Psychology and Counselling, Waratah creates a space for deep transformation on all levels. Having held hundreds of people through classes and workshops for many years, she provides a safe place for participants to explore healing of body, mind and spirit. Unfurling into the sovereignty of your unencumbered being.