Our team
Working Well is research funded by the WorkCover Tasmania Board to inform the development of Tasmania’s Workplace Mental Health Framework by WorkSafe Tasmania, Department of Justice in partnership with Community, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Department of Health.
Researchers at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research are conducting the study.Contact us by email at workplacementalhealth@utas.edu.au
Dr Larissa Bartlett
Research Fellow - Mental Health
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
Professor Angela Martin
Professorial Research Fellow in Work and Mental Health
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
Dr Kelly Broughton
Project Officer Benchmarking Workplace Mental Health Capabilities in Tasmania
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
Professor Tony LaMontagne
Professor, Work Health and Wellbeing
Faculty of Health/School of Health and Social Development/Institute for Health Transformation
To learn more about our research team, please see our website.