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Yoga in Bloom
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Yoga in Bloom - creating nourishing yoga spaces for women over 40, focusing on navigating the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional changes experienced in the perimenopause and menopause journeys. 

If you've tried other classes, know that this is different from your average studio class - we work together to gather the resources to get maximum enjoyment from our well-earned sage years. If you've never tried yoga, or it's been a while, don't worry - because there's a cap on attendance numbers at workshops, we can go at your speed. 

Yoga in Bloom workshops integrate practical philosophy and research with easeful, attentive movement and restorative rest for maintaining strength, balance and flexibility. This is not yin-style yoga where a stretch is held for a long time and it's not bendy or sweaty. 

Based in South East Melbourne on the land of the Bunurong of the Kulin nation.