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Yolanda Cholmondeley-Smith, Reiki Health NZ

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Yolanda & Reiki Health NZ

Usui Reiki’s been a game-changer for me over the years, for my clients and myself

Like all good things, I first heard about Usui Reiki through word of mouth

After receiving a few professional Usui Reiki treatments, I was astounded to listen to I could learn and use Reiki for myself on a weekend. I signed up straight away! 

Yolanda’s Usui Reiki Lineage & Training

I was trained in Australia by two different Usui Reiki lineages. 
As you may know, Reiki is passed down from Teacher to student. Founded in an Asian culture Reiki is an ‘energy lineage’ passed from Teacher to student via attunements at each level of Usui Reiki.

Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree 1994
I was trained in the Usui -Hayashi – Takata Lineage and was taught First. Second Degree Reiki in Sydney, Australia in 1994 by Beverly Bultitude, a direct teacher of Beth Gray’s who was one of Mrs Takata’s original 22 USA-trained, Reiki Master Teachers.

Reiki Master Teacher 1996 – 2024
2 years later, after 1000’s of hours sending and giving free Reiki, I was attuned to Reiki Master/Teacher by Reiki and Seikhem Master Ian Davies, whose lineage included well-known Australian Reiki Teachers plus Phyllis Lee Furumoto, Mrs Takata’s Grand-daughter.

I challenged Reiki!
I was determined to personally experience what I was told Reiki could do.
I invested thousands of hours practicing, sending, and teaching Reiki so I could personally prove to myself that everything I was taught about Reiki was possible for everyone, particularly my students. Read Yolanda's full Usui Reiki Lineage >>

Usui Reiki is magic! There are so many wonderful changes it brings into your life - you'll love it! 

Since I returned from living 26 years in Australia (1998), I’ve twice been a member of the National Reiki NZ Committee and was a founding member of the Waikato Reiki Committee.

Whenever possible, I try to publish regular (free) articles in Reiki News NZ, on my online blog, in spiritual magazines and on our Reiki Health New Zealand Facebook page. I offer free Reiki Support Groups regularly for my students and Masters and stay in touch via regular newsletters and articles.

Yolanda's Classes & Teaching Style

Yolanda holds small, boutique Reiki classes at her home in Cambridge to ensure you get the very best training with plenty of time for Q & A, practice and up-to-date information as possible.

Our Reiki Classes are fun and deeply nurturing experiences for every student – we learn and grow faster and more happily together!

I love what Reiki has done for me and my students

The wonderful thing for me is that I love to see the amazing changes that happen for my Reiki students.

As they move from their initial questioning to their personal experience and how effortlessly Usui Reiki flows through their hands, bodies and lives from their first day of Class. 

What I did learn (repeatedly) was that Reiki is only limited by us

As you learn each Degree of Usui Reiki, you simultaneously experience for yourself that there’s virtually nothing Reiki can’t do, balance or harmonize.

I’ve trained many students and successful Reiki Teachers who have gone on and trained their own Reiki students and Masters in their families and communities.