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Zaana Jaclyn
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Dr Zaana Jaclyn is the Founder and Director of Camino. She designs and guides people in making intentional transitions from where they are to who and how they want to be during times of changes in life, at work and in the world. She invites you into a deeper experience of yourself, your truth and your world for the purpose of liberating ourselves and our communities to be full expressions of love and flourishing.

Zaana is deeply called into drum making and drumming. It has been a rite of passage for her and a continual coming home and connection to the heartbeat of ancient wisdoms, the earth, her community and herself.

Zaana is a lifelong learner, committed to her own inner work and self development. She has 15+ years of global experience in designing and delivering transformative experiences for individuals and organisations. She bridges the boardroom to the altar integrating and weaving together modalities and disciplines with a depth of academic rigour and practical application. Zaana is a human centred designer, systems thinker, songstress, ethnographic researcher, integral coach, reiki master, counsellor, shamanic practitioner, drum birthing midwife, human design and gene keys advisor, and tarot reader.

Your guide Zaana