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IGNITE YOUR GUT - Winter Day Retreat

Price $437 AUD Get tickets

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Join us for a transformative day retreat to heal your body and mind through your gut.

Restoring your gut health is the most fundamental factor to igniting a natural healing process in the body, restoring optimal health, and bringing vibrancy and vitality into your lives. Yes, it really is about the fire in your belly. That is energy. Agni, (meaning fire) as it is known in Ayurveda, is the digestive fire responsible for breaking down foods and transforming it into essential nutrients of the body and mind. When this fire is imbalanced, erratic, sharp or slow ,it causes irregular digestion, hyper metabolism or hypometabolism and inflammation triggering a host of ailments and affecting our mental state of being.

Healing the gut has been one of the most important and popular retreat courses in high demand recently, as many people are suffering conditions that can be easily healed or managed based on the use of food and right eating habits.

lgnite Your Gut Retreat helps you unlock some of the age old knowledge of a digestive and dietary transformation. The gut is our ‘second brain’ directly connected to our overall wellbeing and responsible for a harmonious brain body coherence.

Learn how to nourish your body for peak performance and restoring life energy at cellular level. Learn the importance of chewing and digestion, what it means to ‘eat right’ and how foods help detoxify. Its effect on our nervous system, aging, improved gut health and organ functionality, increasing energy, brainpower and memory, mental clarity and agility and better sleep. Furthermore, allowing yourself to embrace mindful practices of letting go of unfavourable dietary habits. The cleaner and more revitalised your gut, the healthier and younger you will feel.

Balancing Agni leads to perfect health, happiness, calm, clear, loving state of mind.

Facilitated by one of our qualifed gut health Naturopaths, you will be guided through interactive workshops and hands-on demonstrations in cultivating a holistic approach to digestive health and providing ‘easy to do’ practical proven detox strategies rooted in the rejuvenating of energy and healing.

Sound Healing Therapy Crystal Singing Bowls

Ayooshi ‘lgnite Your Gut’ winter detox retreat day, ends with the first step in your gut health transformation, with a soothing Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Healing session, delivered to you by our talented Sound Therapist with over 25 years experience.

This is a deeply immersive and transformative sound healing segment, effecting charge and change on a cellular level in your brain and body, thus calming the mind and helping eliminate toxins from the body. It boosts the immune system, relieves stress and anxiety, alleviates pain, improves sleep, and increases overall well being. The Singing Bowls are beautifully relaxing and its vibrating frequencies stimulate the mind, enhances creativity, spiritual awareness and balances Chakra, that is our energy points. The sound and vibrations raise the frequencies in your body, triggering a natural response to emotional, mental and physical healing.

Making sure you leave Ayooshi Retreat rejuvenated and ready to kickstart your Gut Health transformation.

Food is everything!

Organic, nourishing seasonal foods by Billabong Retreat, cooked homestyle with love. You will enjoy a delicious and filling menu of nutritious plant-based lunch served buffet style, yummy winter warmers such as vegetable curry, risotto, soup, a selection of salads, dips or sauce. Bliss balls or slice for afternoon tea. Organic fruit is available throughout the day including a selection of teas, coffee and filtered water. Gluten free, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Sugar Free, Vegan, whatever your dietary requirements, we can work with most allergies and intolerances as listed with prior notice. Food may contain traces of other foods as it is cooked in kitchen that prepares food containing nuts and all types of foods.


  • Understanding digestion, upper and lower digestion and importance of chewing
  • Nervous system and digestion
  • What happens in the stomach small intestine, gallbladder, enzymes and its secretions
  • Microbiome and leaky gut
  • PH of your body, acid/alkaline balance
  • Importance and efects of bitter sour salt sweet foods of different tastes in your diet
  • Detoxication benefits
  • Foods that nourish and heal your gut
  • Liver detoxifcation
  • Understanding the role of the kidneys
  • Food sensitivities versus food allergies
  • Constipation or forgoes
  • Absorption of food
  • Diets and much more

Practical takeaways to apply at home


  • 4 hours lgnite your Gut Health Iectures and interactivity
  • Nourishing Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea, Organic Fruits
  • Unlimited Filtered Water, Tea, Coffee
  • Meditation and movement in between lectures
  • 1 hour transformative Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls to finish off your retreat day
  • Digestion Booklets

Please note, the information provided at this retreat is not diagnostic and no responsibility will be taken for how this information is used afterwards.
You can book a zoom consultation with our Naturopath for specific personalised guidance.


Anne Currenti is a trailblazing naturopath with over 25 years of experience who passionately champions the art of holistic wellbeing.

Armed with a profound understanding of the human body’s intricate dynamics and a unique blend of modern science with traditional wisdom, Anne has dedicated her career to helping individuals achieve optimal health. Her extensive knowledge in naturopathy serves as a guiding light on your journey to a life filled with vitality and wellness. Anne’s intuition, compassionate nature and evidence-based approach are sure to inspire you to embrace positive change and embark on a path towards natural vitality.


  • All payments are non-refundable
  • Bookings can be transferred to another person up to 48 hours prior at a 20% surcharge
  • Transfer and Reschedule requests must be made by email
  • Rescheduled bookings will be charged at the latest price

8.30am Report at reception upon arrival.

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