About the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends
“Healing on the Spiritual Path - medically verifiable”
Bruno Groening (1906–59) became world famous in the 1950’s due to remarkable healing successes. Again and again he spoke about the existence of a healing or life force energy, which is freely available to everybody. Until the present time, medically unexplainable improvements and healings, including cases of chronic illnesses, have occurred when people have opened themselves to the healing energy through the knowledge passed on by Bruno Groening.
The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is one of the largest organisations world-wide for healing on the spiritual path. Here, interested people and those seeking help can learn, free of charge, to absorb the healing energy. In doing so astonishing healings from serious organic disturbances as well as from depression, allergies and drug addictions take place. These healings are recorded worldwide and verified by doctors and psychologists from all major fields of medicine and psychology.
In 1992, the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends was founded. Today the MWF is an international association of many thousands of doctors and other health professionals from over 70 countries, which since 1992, has been examining the healings and help that have taken place on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Groening. The healings and help are systematically recorded, medically checked and where possible, verified and documented on the basis of medical findings by independent physicians. This has resulted in a substantial archive. An overview of more than 200 abridged healing reports, classified by diagnosis, can be found in the internet under
defaultheilungen.htm in approximately twenty languages. In order to help sick and suffering people world wide, doctors, psychologists and health practitioners of the MWF pass on their experiences to their colleagues and interested people through regular lectures free of charge. Some of these lectures have taken place at universities, for example, in Los Angeles, Washington, Seattle, Houston, St. Petersburg and Helsinki.
During these lectures those seeking healing and help, as well as doctors and other medical professionals are informed about this simple, natural way to help and healing. In recent years more than 100,000 people have attended these lectures. The whole work is financed by voluntary donations and all those involved with the lectures work in a voluntary capacity. Entrance to the lectures is free and donations are appreciated.
Today the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends comprises not only people from all continents and cultures, but also people of all religions. The teaching of Bruno Groening stands above the narrow categories of medicine and religion. It does not want to remove nor replace one or the other; rather it complements both and ultimately brings them together.