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    Integrating Human & Divine: Awakening your True Self - Level 3

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    We live in unprecedented times. For those on a spiritual path, the calling to more fully embrace the consciousness of love into our lives is an undeniable one. We yearn for more connection, we yearn to feel safe, and we yearn to feel loved. Yet we often have been made up of experiences that has made us feel unloved, unsafe, and disconnected - void of that belonging we all desire. 

    The spiritual path is in fact a path that leads you back to YOU. For it is nothing else if not a journey to reclaim your authenticity - your True Self. The part of you that is untouched by trauma and unharmed by hurt – perfect, Whole, and complete. It is the part of you that is the ‘angel within’. 

    The spiritual path calls you to unlearn all that you have experienced that is not of Love. We have to unravel our wiring of fear and be re-wired into Love. It is as Michelangelo said of his carvings: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”. When we release all that is not love, do we thereby access the true self. 

    What is often missing, however, from spiritual discussions about how to raise our consciousness, how to reclaim our Divine birthright to love and to joy and to abundance, is the human element. There may be discussion of how to transcend the body instead of incorporating it – integrating it. 

    We judge ourselves when spiritual maxims do not make you feel better in the long run. We see it is as our own failing instead of the failing of a teaching that does not include the body when it is the body that remembers the fear. It is the body that holds the trauma. It is the body that holds the cellular memories of past experiences, conditioning, and subconscious programming. We must become trauma-informed even in the context of our spirituality. The body teaches that we cannot ‘think’ our way out but we have to feel our way through.

    Yet lying beneath the detritus of these cellular memories is our Divine Light – the extension of Light of our Divine I AM – our Higher Selves. This is our Spirit – our Divine Spark. Our Divine Birthright to knowing and understanding ourselves as Creators. As Divine Love. To remember ourselves as Love in physical bodies. As spiritual beings as well as human ones. 

    The apocryphal texts that include the Gnostic Gospels and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene provide a ‘new’ look at what it means to be fully human and fully Divine. They use the Greek word anthropos to describe the fully actualised human being. To fully claim ourselves as Spiritual Beings IN human bodies. Thus do we bridge heaven and earth and bring heavenly experiences to our earthly lives. 

    How do we become fully human AND fully Divine? The journey of the spiritual initiate is a journey within – to awaken and reveal their True Selves. This is the journey you will undertake in this workshop series – a culmination of Vicky’s work integrating the science of psychology with the wisdom of spirituality.


    This workshop series presents a combination of channeled material – including channeled messages, healing, and activations from the Libraries of Light/the Akashic Records. Vicky will be channeling the Council of Light for this purpose and will be supported by the Keepers of the Keys and Aria (see more about Vicky below for further details). Each session will include teachings from Vicky as well as direct channeled teachings from the Council of Light. They will be sharing their own unique perspectives of the themes at hand and each participant will have the opportunity to ask them questions to deepen their understanding. The third workshop will also include a healing meditation where the Council of Light will incorporate all of the teachings to give particpants the opportunity to embody them. 


    What you will get out of this workshop series:

    💫A better understanding of yourself.

    💫Feel lighter and calmer.

    💫Able to better access (and embody) the consciousness of Love (what some call 5D consciousness) and how this relates to the New Earth energies. 

    💫More grounded.

    💫A greater sense of belonging.

    💫Better able to access your Higher Self in your physical body.

    💫Understand what/who your True Self is. 

    💫Feel more at peace.

    💫Reduce anxiety and stress.

    💫Feel more connected to the Divine. 

    💫Feel more connected to your SELF. 

    💫Have a more complete understanding of the spiritual path and its purpose – both individually and collectively. 

    This workshop series will be delivered in three parts over three Saturdays via Zoom. Each workshop session will be up to three hours in length. Each participant will receive lifetime access to Zoom and audio recordings of the sessions. They will then also have the opportunity to progress to Levels 2 and 3 of the ‘Integrating Human and Divine’ Workshop Series. If you can not it live, you can still participate via the recordings. Click below to check the time in your time zone:

    PLEASE NOTE: Only participants who have completed Levels 1 and 2 can proceed to Level 3. To find out more and to register for Level 1, the link is below:

    And to find out more and register for Level 2, the link is below:

    Level 3:

    Session 7 (Saturday June 3 2023 2:00-5:00pm AEST) will include:

    🌟How to become the conscious creator you were born to be and be the architect of our own life. 

    🌟How the Law of Attraction can both serve us as well as hinder us. 

    🌟Why our human relationships can help (or hinder) our abundance. 

    🌟How to set intentions as a conscious creator to create the life you desire. 

    🌟Why affirmations work – and why they don’t. Explaining the difference to make affirmations work for you. 

    🌟How to harness the power of nature and the power of the Divine to be a conscious creator. 

    🌟Connecting to your Divine Collective – your Spirit ‘team’ who guide you. 

    Session 8 (Saturday June 10 2023 2:00-5:00pm AEST) will include:

    🌟How shame is your barrier to self-love. 

    🌟Why shame thrives on secrecy. 

    🌟Why shame prevents us from connecting with the love that we deserve. 

    🌟Understanding the stories that bind us.

    🌟How to re-write the stories that are written into our subconscious. 

    🌟How to release the ancestral stories that you have stored within your multidimensional DNA. 

    🌟How letting go of the past helps us reclaim our futures. 

    🌟Releasing shame to move forward into the consciousness of Love. 

    Session 9 (Saturday June 17 2023 2:00-5:00pm AEST) will include:

    🌟Anchoring into the consciousness of Love. 

    🌟Coming full circle: embodying our spirituality.

    🌟Heart awakening: why opening our hearts is the key. 

    🌟The heart as the balance point: centering and balancing through the gateway of the heart. 

    🌟Activations of the Lightbody and the Tree of Life.

    🌟Healing and activation meditation: releasing stories that no longer serve you and anchoring into the consciousness of Love. 


    Vicky brings an integrated approach to this workshop, integrating the science of psychology with the wisdom of spirituality. She brings her 20+ years experience in psychology and developmental trauma to bear in her understandings and teachings of spirituality. She has an honours degree in psychology and postgraduate qualifications in developmental trauma. 

    While still working in child protection with vulnerable children, adolescents, and their families, Vicky was also interested in all that was spiritual. She trained with Doreen Virtue in 2005 to become an Angel Intuitive. She also developed a strong passion for crystals and studied their uses also. Yet it was not until she began meditating with crystals everyday that her life began to transform. 

    Having her own experiences of trauma and dissatisfied with the lack of understanding of trauma in the spiritual field, her mission is to integrate both. In doing so, she has discovered that it has brought her to a deeper understanding of spirituality and an even deeper understanding of trauma. 

    Vicky works through the Libraries of Light and the Akashic Records (one of these Libraries of Light). The Libraries of Light are an energetic record of all that has ever been and holds the energetic potentials of all that will ever become. She channels the Council of Light as well as her angelic guides, the Keepers of the Keys, a group of 12 healing angels of the Libraries of Light. She is also supported by Oriayeh, her Higher Self, and Aria, her Divine Collective a collective of angels, archangels, ascended masters, guides, and Lightbeings which form a ‘symphony of Light’. 

    She combines her knowledge and experience (both personal and professional), her intuitive gifts, her crystals, as well as energy that she is able to bring through from the Libraries of Light (supported by the Temple of Blue Volcano) to create her ‘integrative therapy’ process to help you awaken your True Self. You could say she has a scientific mind with a mystic heart. 

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