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International Moon Day 2024 - Australia: Cooperation is the key to the New Lunar Journey

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Join us for a journey into lunar exploration with Maria Antonietta Perino, Director of Space Economy Exploration at Thales Alenia Space. The keynote will discuss the significant contributions Thales Alenia is making to the Artemis program. With her expertise, Maria Antonietta will unveil insights into Gateway space station modules and lunar surface habitation modules, highlighting the collaborative efforts shaping the future of space exploration.

This event serves as a platform for strengthening Australian-European partnerships in space exploration. Through interactive discussions and networking opportunities, participants will explore avenues for collaboration in Artemis and beyond. Gain fresh perspectives on how these partnerships are driving innovation and propelling humanity’s exploration of the Moon and beyond.

Moreover, this event sets the stage for the 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), scheduled for 14-18 October 2024 in Milano, Italy, for further discussions on space exploration. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with leading experts, contribute to the dialogue shaping the Australian space sector, and play a vital role in the global effort to explore and utilise space for the benefit of all.

Keynote Speaker:

Maria Antonietta Perino, Director Space Economy Exploration and International Network, Thales Alenia Space

Bio: Maria Antonietta got a Degree in Nuclear Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. In 1988 she attended the International Space University (M.I.T., Boston, USA) and then became Faculty Member. She is currently member of the ISU Academic Council. Since 1986 she has been working at Thales Alenia Space – Turin, as Program Manager of major ESA and ASI activities related to Moon and Mars exploration. Currently, she is Director Space Economy Exploration and International Network. Maria Antonietta is involved in different activities promoting the development of young professionals in the space industry. She is the author of several publications, papers, and reports, and Acta Astronautica Co-Editor. Member of the Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace and of the International Academy of Astronautics, and former IAF Bureau Vice President. She is President of Explore Mars Europe. Awarded “Woman of Excellence 2010” by AIDDA and “Stella al Merito del Lavoro” by the Italian Republic President. Board of Director member of Women in Aerospace–Europe, International Lunar Observatory Association, and World Space Week Association.

  • 8:00pm–8:02pm – Dharshun Sridharan (MC), Australian Coordinator, Moon Village Association; Introduction to the International Moon Day
  • 8:02pm–8:05pm – Kaja Antlej, AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Melbourne Section Chair; and Frank Papa, AIAA Melbourne Section Vice-Chair; Welcome addresses
  • 8:05pm–8:13pm – Michelle Keegan, Director Resources and Space, AROSE; Australian mission to take a rover to the Moon
  • 8:13pm–8:20pm – Daniele Dallari, Sales Manager, Southern Launch; Australian-Italian partnerships in space exploration
  • 8:20pm–8:40pm – KEYNOTE: Maria Antonietta Perino, Director Space Economy Exploration and International Network, Thales Alenia Space
  • 8:40pm–9:20pm – Discussion and Networking (Facilitated by Summer Russell, AIAA Melbourne Section Treasurer); Cooperation is the key to the new lunar journey
  • 9:20pm–9:30pm – Conclusions

About the International Moon Day 

The Moon Village Association submitted an application during the UN-COPUOS 64th Session, for the proclamation of the International Moon Day on July 20, the anniversary of the 1969 first human landing, from the United States of America, with the Apollo 11 mission. The proclamation has been approved on December 9 2021, by the UN General Assembly. Because MVA has been an early advocate of the concept of the International Moon Day celebration, MVA is taking the initiative to organize its implementation by setting up the IMD-G within its organization. The IMD-G is the body which leads the management of the celebration of the International Moon Day.

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