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    Intro to the Principles of Witchcraft/Wicca

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    Event description

    Intro to the Principles of Witchcraft/Wicca
    Four Mondays: May 6th, May 20th, June 3rd, June 17th from 7:00pm to

    $20 per class or $70 for the full series

    Must be at least 13 to attend, attendees under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

    Have you been wanting to know more about the Craft, but aren't sure where to start? We've got you!

    This class will be an intro to the principles of Witchcraft/Wicca. You will learn a little bit about the history of the Craft, the God and Goddess along with the Wheel of the Year, as well as Full and New Moon significance. You will also learn the tools of a practicing witch and how to set up your altar/spell crafting space. The final class on April 8th falls on a New Moon and we will do a ritual together. Through this all we will be touching on symbolism and archetypes. 

    There are plans for more classes in the fall as a continuation of the series, so stay tuned!

    Teacher Bio:

    Tia is a native Oregonian who began her journey with the Occult as a small child through her mother’s herb craft lore from the Alps of Switzerland. Sometime in high school she attempted to read the Christian Bible in-its-entirety, which was when she realized how she, as a divine feminine being, was missing. In college she began her active search for the Goddess. She has practiced Witchcraft since 1989, and has been a practicing Wiccan since 1996. In that time, she studied Wicca with a contemporary of Starkhawk and helped found the Magickal Garden Society of Jefferson, Oregon. She has also taught Wicca, created and led many circles, and helped create and lead ritual at Festivals. She has been deeply enriched by her on-going journey and is grateful to all of her teachers along this path. She's excited to share her knowledge with students who are trying to figure out where to begin, and to encourage their life-long curiosity around their own spiritual practices – whatever they may look like.

    Supply List
    • Lined large notebook 
    • Pen or pencil
    (Purchase new writing items that you love to touch and use.)

    Required Book

    “A Witches’ Bible - The Complete Witches’ Handbook” Janet and Stewart Farrar - Phoenix Press 

    Other Suggested Reading Materials

    “The Spiral Dance” - Starhawk
    “The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols” - Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrandt, translated by John Buchanan-Brown - Penguins
    “Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner” - Scott Cunningham
    “Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft” - Raymond Buckland
    “I am Woman by Rite - a book of women’s rituals” - Nancy Brady Cunningham
    “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs” - Scott Cunningham
    “The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews” - Scott Cunningham
    “The Crystal Bible a Definitive Guide to Crystals” - Judy Hall
    “Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders Modern Magic for Everyday Life” - Patricia Telesco
    "365 Goddess - a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess" - Patricia Telesco
    “Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants” - Claudie Muller-Ebeling, Christian Ratsch
    “Ancient Ways” Pauline Campanelli
    "The Pagan Book of Days" - Nigel Pennick
    "Drawing Down the Moon" - Margot Adler

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