Event: Kirtan Collective Music Night
General information
Contact name
Rosie Foley
Contact number
Travel instructions
Parking will be limited. If you are able to carpool from the Lake MacDonald Noosa Botanical Gardens carpark (just around the corner) please do so. Please then meet at 4:45pm from the gravel carpark on your right just after you pass the garden entrances. It is an open gravel area, where the waterfall drop-off ledge is visible and just next to the gated water catchment area. You will need to drive past the gardens and the carparks there 50 m beyond the gardens to find carpark area very visible from road. If able please car pool several to a car before arriving at venue.
Entry instructions
Venue is at end of killawarra rd at end of culdersac. Please park in grass area in front of shed or in street ensuring you park respectfully and not blocking entrances to surrounding houses.
After entry instructions
Once arrived, blue flags mark the beginning of driveway. Simply walk in to drive way, to the left of the carport and fenced pool area, down the hill beyond the yurt till you arrive at the large Dome Temple. It is an approximately 50m walk in.
Please take care walking down slope and please carry torch lighting or a mobile phone light for the walk back to your car on completion of the event.
Toilet location
Toilets are compost toilets, under the venue and bush sees are also welcome.
Accessible parking
When parking please park so we can fit as many cars as possible, and ensure you aren't parked in if you need to leave early.