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Look Who's Yarning Playgroup

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Event description

Welcome to Yerrabi's newest playgroup, Look Who's Yarning, running Tuesdays from 10:30-12:00 and supported by Playgroups ACT!

This playgroup is for First Nations Booris aged 0-5 and their parents/carers.

We will have different games and activities each week to support your Booris develop their speech and language, plus resources to take home to keep on playing 😄

Playgroup topics include

Week One: Look how much my brain can grow

Week Two: Look how I love songs and rhymes

Week Three: Look how I Serve and Return

Week Four: Look how I learn more words

Week Five: Look how I respond to positive language

Week Six: Look how I can manage big feelings

Week Seven: Look at my play patterns

Week Eight: Look how waiting is magic for my speech 

Week Nine: Look how I can love books

We have limited ability to support families to get to transport to Yarramundi Cultural Centre to attend the playgroup.

Please email if you would like help with transport.

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