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Lumbar Spine Course – Non-Operative Lumbar Spine Management

Price $899 AUD Get Tickets

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Dr Kieran Richardson and Dr Taishi Ezaki are running a Lumbar Spine 2-day workshop in Cairns on July 6th and 7th, covering:

  • Non-surgical management of lumbar radiculopathy, radicular pain, spinal stenosis and lumbar spondylolisthesis
  • Manual therapy techniques for lumbar spine and neuropathic pain disorders
  • Evidence-based exercise strategies for the lumbar spine
  • Differential diagnosis of red flag pathology in the lumbar spine including sinister pathology, inflammatory disorders and vascular pathology
  • Assessment and management of sacroiliac and hip conditions
  • Management of acute lower back pain
  • Clinical reasoning in the complex lumbar spine patient

The course will be research-bound with evidence-informed application, with practical, postgraduate-level strategies you can use with patients immediately!


Dr. Kieran Richardson is a Specialist Physiotherapist and the Director of Global Specialist Physiotherapy, a consultancy company of expert clinicians, researchers and educators providing formal mentoring, second opinions for complex patient presentations and professional development.

He consults at a number of physiotherapy practices locally, as well as nationally and internationally. He has special interest in evidence-based, non-surgical management of musculoskeletal conditions and recognition of these strategies within the Physiotherapy profession, as well as interprofessionally and to the general public.

He regularly runs training tutorials and workshops on back pain back-leg pain, manual therapy for the back, acute lower back pain and evidence-based exercise strategies for this body area. He also conducts second opinions of patients with unremitting signs and symptoms for clinicians and clinics.

Dr. Taishi Ezaki is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist who works as a clinical leader in the Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Screening Clinics at Cairns Hospital. In this role Taishi provides specialist opinion to patients with complex spinal and peripheral joint pain awaiting surgical opinion. He has a special interest in the non-operative management of spinal conditions and the indications for a surgical opinion.

Taishi regularly provides education and clinical training for experienced physiotherapists completing advanced musculoskeletal training within Queensland Health and also post-graduate students completing Musculoskeletal Masters degree’s. He also consults part-time in private practice reviewing complex patients and runs educational lectures on various musculoskeletal topics for private clinics.

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