
Event: ACTIVATE INNER ALCHEMY - Therapists ~ Coaches ~ Practitioners - A new paradigm transformational method for your clients

General information

Contact name

Jane Gruebner

Contact number

+ 64 274991115

Travel instructions

The Life Centre logo sign is on the street - right on traffic light intersection - opposite Curran Rd. There are limited carparks - free street parking is available.

Entry instructions

Entry is to you right as you come into the driveway -behind carpark is an open door in the fence - this takes you to the ground floor entrance.

After entry instructions

In the building please take the stairs to your left - first floor - turn right to the Lotus room.


There is one flight of stairs - unfortunately no elevator or ramp for wheelchair access.

Toilet location

Bathroom available upstairs and downstairs

Accessible parking

Limited parking on site - free street parking available on the day