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MASTERCLASS 48: Systems Thinking, Permaculture & Sustainable Communities with Fritjof Capra & Morag Gamble

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A B O U T  T H I S  M A S T E R C L A S S

Join Morag Gamble in conversation with one of the world's major public thinkers of the last half-century - renowned author-educator-activist-physicist, Fritjof Capra Ph.D. We are so delighted Fritjof will be joining us here at the Permaculture Education Institute for our January permaculture masterclass and warmly invite you to join us.

Fritjof's main focus through his environmental education and activism has been to help build and nurture sustainable communities. He believes that to do so, we can learn valuable lessons from the study of ecosystems, which are sustainable communities of plants, animals, and microorganisms. If we understand how life on earth works, we can learn to live within the planetary boundaries. 

Over 5 decades, Fritjof has developed a cohesive systemic analysis the global crises we now face, and offers clear synthesis based on leading science, of how to move toward regeneration and transition to an ecological paradigm - and permaculture is part of that description. 

Humanity is facing multiple crises at a global scale. We are all acutely aware of this. Fritjof describes these as a collective 'crisis of perception’ but that change IS possible by shifting how we see ourselves in relationship to nature and each other. 

Join this special January masterclass to explore how we can weave a new narrative - take a systems view of life, embrace a peaceful way of being, uplift ecoliteracy, implement ecodesign in all we do, and rethink how we live in our local communities. We are all part of the community of life. 

This is a one hour session (see time below) with time for you to join the Q&A with Fritjof.

Fritjof Capra is a founding director of the Berkeley-based Center for Ecoliteracy, which is dedicated to advancing ecology and systems thinking in primary and secondary education. He is a Fellow of Schumacher College, an international centre for ecological studies in the UK (where Morag first meet Fritjof), and he also serves on the Council of the Earth Charter Initiative. Fritjof also leads his own online course twice a year, the Capra Course based on his book the Systems View of Life. Each time this course is run, Morag leads a study group particularly for young leaders. More about Frotjof below.

W H O   I S   T H I S  M A S T E R C L A S S    F O R  ?

This session is for everyone interested in the health and wellbeing of the planet, of humanity and all life - who would like to gain a clearer systemic insight into the issues we face and an interconnected approach to how to move forward - to understand the connection between regenerative practices such as permaculture and systems thinking.

C A N  Y O U   S H A R E   T H I S   I N V I T A T I O N ?

*** PLEASE SHARE WIDELY:  We welcome everyone to attend from around the world!

W H E N  I S  I T ?

Please note regular Masterclass attendees, this session is being held at a different time than usual to make it possible for Fritjof to zoom in from his home in Berkeley. To help you find what time that is in your timezone, take a look below or click here.

  • SAN FRANCISCO: Friday 27th January - 1pm PST 
  • NEW YORK: Friday 27th January - 4pm EST 
  • LONDON: Friday 27th January -9pm GMT 
  • PARIS: Friday 27th January -10pm GMT 
  • NAIROBI: Friday 28th January -12am EAT 
  • TOKYO: Saturday 28th January - 6am JST
  • SYDNEY: Saturday 28th January - 8am AEDT
  • AUCKLAND: Saturday 28 January - 10am NZDT


*** FREE SESSION ...but please donate generously

YES! You can join this wonderfully unique and valuable session for free (if you really need to), but we kindly invite you to donate as much as you can when you sign up. Your donation is 100% sent within the week to women and youth-led community food and permaculture education programs in refugee camps and rural communities across East Africa. As part of their global activism, Fritjof and Morag are both donating their time, and the Permaculture Education Institute's registered charity, the Ethos Foundation, will be distributing the funds to local community leaders-activists we know are doing amazing work that makes a difference - regenerating landscapes and the lives of those at the forefront of climate change and the ongoing impacts of colonialisation and globalisation. 

W I L L   A  R E C O R D I N G   B E   A V A I L A B L E ?
We look forward to seeing you there, but if you can't make it, please register and we can send you the recording.

M O R E  A B O U T   O U R   G U E S T :  F R I T J O F   C A P R A  P h. D

Dr Fritjof Capra is a leading ecological thinker-activist of our time - international best-selling author, scientist, writer, educator - and someone I am honoured to call a mentor, inspiration and very dear friend. Fritjof offers a way of understanding how life works (ecoliteracy), a cohesive analysis the global crises we now face, and clear direction for how to move toward an ecological civilisation - and permaculture is part of that description. These are some of his books. They have been published in many languages around the world. You can find a link to them all here.

  • Patterns of Connection, Essential Essays from Five Decades 2021
  • The Ecology of Law, 2015
  • The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision, 2014
  • Learning From Leonardo, 2012
  • La Botanica di Leonardo (Leonardo’s Botany), 2009
  • The Science of Leonardo, 2007
  • The Hidden Connections, 2002
  • The Web of Life, 1996
  • Mindwalk, 1991 (feature film - remastered version coming soon to our film club)
  • Belonging to the Universe, 1991
  • Uncommon Wisdom, 1988
  • Green Politics, 1984
  • The Turning Point, 1982
  • The Tao of Physics, 1975

A B O U T  T H E  H O S T :  M O R A G  G A M B L E

Morag Gamble, founder of Permaculture Education Institute & teacher of permaculture teachers, has been creating, supporting and networking ecoliteracy, ecodesign and permaculture projects and programs for 30 years on 5 continents - inspired in her early 20's by studying with Fritjof Capra at Schumacher College. During that time she started practicing permaculture as a way to practically apply systems thinking, and the lessons from Fritjof and the College are deeply embedded in every course and program she leads. Morag also hosts a youth study group for Fritjof's Course. Previous recorded conversations with Fritjof can be found on Morag's podcast Sense-Making in a Changing World. Morag and Fritjof have stayed in touch over the past 3 decades and share a warm friendship and deep commitment to the wellbeing of the planet, of humanity and of all life.

IMAGE: Morag and Fritjof meet again at Schumacher College for a reunion course in 2000 - also pictured Satish Kumar (founder of Schumacher College), Fritjof's wife Elizabeth, daughter Juliette and Katie, the daughter of the farmer on Dartington Estate, Devon UK.

E V E N T  S P O N S O R :  

Permaculture Education Institute, based at Crystal Waters Ecovillage on Gubbi Gubbi country, offers programs to support people around the world to become teachers of permaculture, to activate permaculture communities. The Institute hosts regular global conversations exploring one-planet living and earth restoration - through film, podcast, masterclasses and discussion forums. Permaculture Education Institute also hosts Hive - a global learning community for PDC graduates anywhere in the world.

OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Permaculture Educators Program - a combined online course and global learning community including permaculture design and teaching certificates

M O R E   A B O U T  W H E R E  T H E   D O N A T I O N S  G O

This is a free event, but we warmly welcome your generous donation. 100% of all funds raised at this event will go towards the refugee youth permaculture programs we work closely with in East Africa - including permaculture, kitchen garden, school garden, ecoliteracy, ecological restoration programs led and designed by refugee youth. 

  • A donation of $10 will support the planting of 3 fruit trees in a refugee school garden.
  • A donation of $25 will pay for seeds and tools for one refugee family to start their permaculture kitchen garden at home.
  • A donation of $150 will pay for a young person to receive a full locally-adapted permaculture design certificate training in their camp led by local trainers.
  • We'd love you to become a regular supporter too - there is a button at the checkout become a monthly supporter.

Read more about the programs at

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