
Event: Meadow 2023

General information

Contact number

TBC - check back soon! A phone number will be made available throughout the event.

Travel instructions

Directions will be shared to attendees via email closer to the event date. Keep an eye on your inbox!

Entry instructions

There is only one entrance gate to the festival. If you require assistance upon entry, please notify the team as your ticket is scanned into Meadow.


Meadow takes place on working farmland. If you require improved access to our amphitheatre from the carpark and campground, please contact us ahead of the event so we can reserve an appropriate space for you and direct you accordingly on arrival in close proximity to amenities and the stage. Note - the ground within the amphitheatre and campground may be rough and uneven in some areas.

Toilet location

The toilets located closest to the entry gate and amphitheatre will be equipped with accessible and gender neutral toilet options.

Accessible parking

If you require accessible parking please notify the team at the entrance gate upon arrival to the festival so that you can be directed accordingly. Several spaces will be reserved within close proximity to the most accessible camping sites at the festival.