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    AI's Impact, Privacy Risks, and Ethical Challenges for Leaders

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    Event description

    At this special event hosted by Monash Corporate Education and Igniting Change the AI Now Institute, world-renowned AI expert Meredith Whittaker will share how tech giants use AI for mass surveillance, drawing on lessons from the 1990s "crypto wars".

    Meredith Whittaker, President of the encrypted messaging app Signal, and Chief Advisor of the AI Now Institute, will emphasise the need for real tech accountability to protect our privacy and autonomy in an increasingly surveilled digital world.

    She will discuss the history and impact of liberalised encryption, how surveillance has become a business model and the current threats posed by AI, including efforts to undermine encryption. 

    Monash Corporate Education’s Professor Richard Hall will also moderate a Q&A session, where questions about data privacy and how you can advocate for systemic changes to protect your data will be addressed.

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