MORAG'S PERMACULTURE FILM CLUB: Urban Agriculture Shorts by Happen Films
Event description
Join us this month as we continue to explore Urban Agriculture Month with a series of four inspiring short films by Happen Films (see below) exploring fascinating, motivating and heartwarming stories of growing food in urban and suburban areas
This event is part of the Permaculture Education Institute's monthly permaculture film club. We screen permaculture related films on the third Monday of each month and host a global conversation inspired by the film. Make sure to subscribe below to our event's portal here on Humanitix to hear immediately when we release a new event.
This is a free event, but we warmly welcome your generous donation. 100% of all funds raised at this event will go towards the refugee youth permaculture programs we work closely with in East Africa - including permaculture, ecoliteracy, ecological restoration programs led and designed by refugee youth NOTE: We have had questions about how to properly register - please make sure to put a number in the ticket box regardless of whether you choose to donate.
1. The Plummery
The Plummery is a suburban home where a backyard permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076 sq feet) produces over 400kg/900 pounds of food year-round!
Kat Lavers describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and biointensive growing, and how important it is – and possible! – for city dwellers to be food resilient in the face of natural, financial and social crises. We were very inspired by how little day-to-day effort goes into creating such an abundance of food.
Find out more about Kat and The Plummery on her website and on Instagram.
2. Creatures of Place
Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick Jones, and their youngest son, Woody. Living on an urban 1/4-acre section in a small Australian town, Meg and Patrick have designed their property using permaculture principals.
They grow most of their own food, don’t own cars – riding their bikes instead – use very little electricity, and forage food and materials from their local forest. We found their story super inspiring and we think you will too!
Read more about the adventures of Artist as Family on their blog.
3. Urban Abundance
In the small town of Oxford, New Zealand, Kane and Fiona Hogan have transformed their urban 1/2-acre property into abundant veggie gardens. The aim of Urban Gardener is to build resilience and food security in their local community – both by growing food for people to purchase and by helping people to grow food in their own backyards.
Here is yet another inspiring initiative that brings together the essentials for resilience: good healthy food and strong communities. Check out progress at Urban Gardener on their Facebook page.
4. Degrowth in the Suburbs
What does sustainable living in the city look like? By living more simply, creating permaculture gardens, utilizing energy technologies such as biogas and solar power, and taking part in community initiatives like car sharing, this household creates money and time savings that enable them to work fewer hours and develop a thriving and sustainable home.
Find out more about degrowth and voluntary simplicity on the Simplicity Institute and Simplicity Collective websites or by reading Samuel Alexander’s book ‘Degrowth in the Suburbs: A Radical Urban Imaginary‘.
The aim of Happen Films is to showcase and demonstrate inspiring solutions to the multiple global crises we’re facing today. We’re currently living through an exceptional time in human history, where what we’ve known as normal is breaking down due to environmental, cultural, and social limits being reached. This overlap of climate change, peak oil, financial instability, environmental destruction, and inequality have created the conditions for a massive global shift in the way we relate to the world and each other.
We need to transition to not just living ‘sustainably’, but in a way that heals and regenerates the damage that’s been done. So how do we go about doing this? Exploring this question is what Happen Films was founded upon and is what drives us to do what we do. The solutions are out there and people are pioneering this transition. We want to find these people and share their stories in order to inspire others to make change in their own lives and in their communities.
Those ‘others’ include ourselves: each of our interviewees has inspired us to make important changes not just in our personal lives but in the way we operate Happen Films. To learn more about how we operate, check out the How is Happen Films Funded? page. If you’re keen to support our work, visit the Support page.
Here's a link to our interview with Antoinette & Jordan of Happen Films:
Morag Gamble is a global permaculture, ecovillage ambassador, speaker, educator, mentor and true-based philanthropist. She is also an ambassador for Urban Agriculture Month. She founded the Permaculture Education Institute, curates a blog and YouTube - Our Permaculture Life, leads the Ethos Foundation Charity, and hosts the Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast, plus this monthly Permaculture Film Club and Permaculture Masterclasses. Morag also mentors Permayouth, the Ethos Fellowship (university without walls) and enjoys life in her ecovillage home.
Permaculture Education Institute, based at Crystal Waters Ecovillage on Gubbi Gubbi country, teaches permaculture designers, teachers and community activators around the world through the Permaculture Educators Program and hosts regular global conversations exploring one-planet living and earth restoration - through film, podcast, masterclasses and discussion forums. Permaculture Education Institute also hosts Hive - a global learning community for PDC graduates anywhere in the world.
OPEN FOR REGISTRATION: Permaculture Educators Program - a combined online course and global learning community including permaculture design and teaching certificates
Sustain: The Australian Food Network is the initiator and host of Urban Agriculture Month - the theme for 2022 is Growing Edible Towns and Cities. With over 100 events planned across all the states and territories, including workshops, open gardens, talks, upskilling sessions and hands-on learning experiences, Sustain and it's partners are bringing people and their communities together to connect, share and learn. We're growing a sustainable edible food movement, and everyone's invited.
This is a free event, but we warmly welcome your generous donation. 100% of all funds raised at this event will go towards the refugee youth permaculture programs we work closely with in East Africa - including permaculture, kitchen garden, school garden, ecoliteracy, ecological restoration programs led and designed by refugee youth.
A donation of $10 will support the planting of 3 fruit trees in a school garden.
A donation of $25 will pay for seeds and tools for one refugee family to start their permaculture kitchen garden at home.
A donation of $150 will pay for a young person to receive a full locally-adapted permaculture design certificate training in their camp led by local trainers.
We'd love you to become a regular supporter too - read more over at
PLEASE NOTE: We have had questions about how to properly register - please make sure to put a number in the ticket box regardless of whether you choose to donate.
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity