Event: National Tree Day 2024
General information
Travel instructions
Bus: The closest bus stop is on the CNR of Greig Dr & Mernda Village Dr. From the bus stop walk 300m West along Mernda Village Drive. This is on the 386 bus route from Bundoora RMIT The bus stop on the CNR of Hayes Rd & Schotters Rd is serviced by 382 (Preston to Whittlesea) and 385 (Greensborough to Whittlesea). Another bus stop is on the CNR of Sumner Dr & Masons Rd. From the bus stop walk 800m South along Sumner Drive, then walk 150m East along Mernda Village Dr. This is serviced by 388 & 389 (Laurimar & Mernda).
Toilet location
Walk 300m East along Mernda Village Drive. Just after the intersection with Grieg Drive head South into the park. Pass the Adventure Playground and toilets will be on the other side of the carpark.