
Event: Natural Hazards Research Forum 2025

General information

Contact name

Vaia Smirneos

Contact number

0413 419 428

Travel instructions

FOR THE ONLINE REGISTRATIONS PLEASE DISREGARD THE TRAVEL INSTRUCTIONS AND ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION Pay and display metered parking - Hackney Road (1 minute walk), Limited pay and display parking. For information and fees please head to the Botanic Gardens Website. Note: refrain from parking in the permit only bays marked 'Reserved Monday-Friday, 8am - 6pm as this will result in a fine. Plane Tree Drive - Botanic Park (3 minute walk). Limited pay and display parking. For information and fees please head to the Botanic Gardens Website. Rundle Road (7-9 minute walk). Pay and Display parking, Adelaide City Council FREE PARKING after 6pm. Maximum of 4 hours between 8am - 6pm. Monday to Friday paid for 4 hours maximum. Saturday and Sunday paid flat fee. Car park stations Royal Park Hotel Carpark - All day, maximum 12 hour flat-fee rate. Multi Story carparks are located on Frome Road and North Terrace followed by a 5 - 10 minute walk along Botanic Road to The National Wine Centre. Hackney Road — Botanic Park Entrance (3 minute walk) Two 15 minute unloading parks are located at the Western end of the venue. Access is via the driveway on Botanic Road after bus stop 1 and entry into the venue is by the Wined Bar courtyard. Adelaide Metro - Adelaide’s City Loop bus drops passengers at the Botanic Gardens East Terrace Entrance. Adelaide Metro buses, bring you to the National Wine Centre bus stop either on Botanic Road (stop 1) or on Hackney Road (stop 2). More information about itineraries and timetables is available online, at the Passenger Transport Info Centre on the corner of King William Street and Currie Street or call on 1300 311 108. Coach transfers - For the convenience of delegates a passenger zone is located immediately in front of the National Wine Centre ramp on Hackney Road.

Accessible parking

The National Wine Centre of Australia complies with regulations regarding public buildings and offers disabled access and facilities for visitors. Two disabled parking permit parks are located at the Western end of the venue. (Subject to availability) Access is via the driveway on Botanic Road after Bus Stop 1 and entry into the venue is via the Wined Bar courtyard. ‍If you require any further information or assistance, please also contact our reception on 08 8313 7462.