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Nepal - Beyond The Mountains: 11 Day Trek & Travel Immersion

Price $4299 – $4699 AUD + BF Get tickets

Event description

Explore this incredible country with us, where we get beyond the mountains and under the surface to have a deeply enriching, authentic experience of connection in this spiritually and energetically significant pocket of the world.

We (Kade Fallins and Chelsea Mazzini) have forged beautiful connections with local people, Sherpa's and villages who live with admirable simplicity and gratitude, which forms the platform for you to dive into your immersion off - all within the comfort and premium hospitality you desire to receive in your dedicated holiday time. 

Much more than a holiday, this is a life-enhancing experience.

Nepal: Beyond The Mountains

5 days trekking through the Himalayas to Mardi Himal Base Camp, 6 Days Immersing in the culture in villages and towns in the Mt. Annapurna Region.

We all know Nepal for the Himalayas and Mount Everest (Mount Sagarmatha). The scenery is supremely impressive, one that literally drops your jaw. Witnessing those sky-scraping giants awakens such a profound experience deep within our being, that the memories are sure to be felt for a lifetime. It is truly a must-do in our time on planet earth, to see the top of this world. It’s a proper time-stopping moment when you are greeted by these mountains.

But there’s something comparatively impactful in Nepal, something which also forms a life-long impression; even a fundamental perspective shift. One that might just hit even deeper than the sight of the Mountains..

That is the culture. The people.

The spirit of love is so alive in Nepal, it floats through the air. The place operates at a different frequency, enveloped in connection, love, generosity and contentedness. Just being in that energy is deeply moving and impactful for those of us from faster-paced worlds.

Our Mission:

Full Circle Experiences endeavours to create experiences with purpose, ones that leave lasting positive reverberations across the globe.

After this experience, you will not just take home memories, souvenirs and photographs. Deeper down, you will hold meaningful, lasting, authentic connections with the people and lands you encounter. 

Connections that remain open.

We travel to enhance the lives of all, with the primary objective of creating experiences that transform the way you individually see, feel and live in this world, while doing the same to the lives of those we meet. 

In doing so, 10% of proceeds of all trips are donated to local communities & schools.

Tour Overview:

  • Duration:11 days
  • Dates: October 4th-14th 2024
  • Start & Finish: Pokhara Lakeside
  • Activity: 5 Days Trekking, 6 Days Cultural Immersion
  • 4 Star Hotels: 3 Nights
  • 3 Star Eco Village: 2 Nights
  • Tea Houses: 5 Nights
  • Walking Grade: Moderate
  • Group Size: 8-16

[Limited spaces - 4 spots filled prelaunch]

Full Information and Travel Itinerary available upon request.

Reach out to to receive.

Our Methodology Is Our Speciality - Our Tribe Is Our Magic.

The last piece here that sets this trip apart even more, is that we both accelerate and deepen the introspective journey within and ability to connect with your travel experience by incorporating intentional movement, breathwork, meditation and cold-water immersion throughout our experiences. (All optional invitations.)

These practices help to clear the past, quieten the mind, relieve stress and enhance connection - which you will know are all things that being in Nature or in the awe of travelling does innately. 

So by using these tools in tandem with being in an immersive experience, we achieve a kind of compound benefit that creates an even deeper experience of presence, insight and inner-transformation for you.

**Our guidance, support and facilitation is available 24/7 throughout this trip, as we hold a space for you to move, shift and grow while we explore inner and outer worlds together**

By offering what we do, it means we attract amazing, interesting people who all add their unique flavour to our diverse groups. 

Everything is, after all, a co-creation.

I have a feeling that if you've read up until now, that might be you.

Reach out for the itinerary and a zero-pressure conversation to see if the two-way chemistry feels right.

See you out there,


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