Pay It Forward Community Fund
At No Lights No Lycra we believe that dancing is for everybody and every body. Our mission is to bring the joy of dancing in the dark to as many people as possible. Keeping you dancing is our number one priority, and with the cost of living crisis we recognise that cost may present a barrier to dancing for those experiencing financial hardship. We are excited to offer this community-built fund for those that would love to join our dancefloor but are unable to afford it.
Donations of any amount are received with heartfelt gratitude. In the event that we receive funds that exceed demand, we will re-invest those funds directly into the NLNL community by way of events (including special events) and equipment upgrade/maintenance .
If you, or someone you know, is in need of a dance but needs a little financial help, please email
At No Lights No Lycra we believe that dancing is for everybody and every body. Our mission is to bring the joy of dancing in the dark to as many people as possible. Keeping you dancing is our number one priority, and with the cost of living crisis we recognise that cost may present a barrier to dancing for those experiencing financial hardship. We are excited to offer this community-built fund for those that would love to join our dancefloor but are unable to afford it.
Donations of any amount are received with heartfelt gratitude. In the event that we receive funds that exceed demand, we will re-invest those funds directly into the NLNL community by way of events (including special events) and equipment upgrade/maintenance .
If you, or someone you know, is in need of a dance but needs a little financial help, please email