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Centre for Social Impact UWA

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The Centre for Social Impact UWA (CSI UWA) is a catalyst for change in our world, creating and delivering education that transforms, research that informs best practice, and public engagement that inspires and mobilises change makers. CSI UWA is part of a national collaboration with UNSW Sydney and Swinburne University of Technology. The Centre for Social Impact UWA is also supporting the Aboriginal-led Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together project, which aims to help us all walk together as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people towards 2029 (200 years of colonisation in Perth), and beyond. The leaders of Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together are Dr Noel Nannup OAM, Dr Richard Walley OAM, Professor Emeritus Colleen Hayward AM and Carol Innes. In 2019 they hosted - with support from CSI UWA - the inaugural Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together Social Impact Festival.