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Bess Wittingslow & Destiny Wolf

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Bess & Destiny are founders of Udaya Retreats. They create community gatherings, events, and experiences to raise the vibrations of the collective. Bess is a Sound Healer, Reiki, Ceremonialist, Meditation & Yoga Teacher. Leading from her heart Bess guides you into The Art of Ceremony and awakening to your true self. She infuses her love of sound, ritual, movement and creative self-expression into all of her offerings. It is her mission to raise the vibrations of the collective, so that we are in more harmony with ourselves, each other and the earth. Destiny is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Sound Healer, and Rebirthing Breathwork Alchemist. Destiny’s journey led her to facilitate holistic healing practices, as she witnessed powerful transformation and healing in her own life. Her deepest desire is to share these dynamic tools of liberation with others to help them feel nourished, accepted, balanced, encouraged and connected to their wholeness.