Rose - Moves for a Better YOU and Harshani - Harshani Walgama Energy Healer's logo

Rose - Moves for a Better YOU and Harshani - Harshani Walgama Energy Healer

 Rose - Moves for a Better YOU and Harshani - Harshani Walgama Energy Healer's logo
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Rose from Moves For A Better YOU is a is a passionate holistic health and wellness coach, yoga and Pilates teacher. Her belief in taking care of all human dimensions i.e.: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, environmental, and spiritual has been a key driver in her own life.

She has experienced herself how various breathing techniques and a variety of movements ease stress and anxiety as well as other physical and mental challenges and is passionate about helping others to improve their physical and mental health


Harshani Walgama is an energy healing facilitator who works with Divine Energies to create the energetic shifts needed to restore wellbeing. She incorporates many modalities, including sound therapy, especially her medicine drum.