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Embody Wu Tao

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Emma Jack hosts a weekly Wu Tao general public class 6.30-7.30pm Thursday in Fremantle - dancing the five elements cycle. Wu Tao is the dancing way to balance and flow. Working with the elements and qi flow meridians in this restorative sequence of dances we open ourselves to harmony and joy. Emma finds great joy in creating warm, inclusive spaces for freedom of expression, connection with nature and mindful energy building. Building on decades of yoga and meditation practice, Emma also receives inspiration from Open Floor Dance and Tamalpa Art Life Institute teachers. Thanks to wisdom arising from the body and her mother's Alzheimer's journey, Emma has immersed herself in dance as a therapy. Dance is her lifelong passion and finding Wu Tao and Michelle Locke in 2016 became a big part of her personal healing story. Emma loves cyclical living wisdom, bush walking and aspires to live according to permaculture principles. Emma lives and works in Fremantle with her partner and four year old.