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Management ticket
Team Builders and Destroyers They can ruin any day with a meeting that should have been an email. Cross them, and you'll be called into the Boss' office for a performance review.
Team Builders and Destroyers They can ruin any day with a meeting that should have been an email. Cross them, and you'll be called into the Boss' office for a performance review.
10 ticket(s) left$75.00+ $4.39 feeDevelopment ticket
Creative Innovators The only people doing any real work around here. They who can delay the project have the true power over it.
Creative Innovators The only people doing any real work around here. They who can delay the project have the true power over it.
14 ticket(s) left$75.00+ $4.39 feeLegal ticket
Conniving Strategists The only ones who know how to read that contract you signed 12 months ago. Nothing you have is safe from an audit.
Conniving Strategists The only ones who know how to read that contract you signed 12 months ago. Nothing you have is safe from an audit.
12 ticket(s) left$75.00+ $4.39 feeMarketing ticket
Charismatic Fast-Talkers Master manipulators or well-meaning himbos? Sometimes these silver-tongued devils can get people to do things they'll later regret.
Charismatic Fast-Talkers Master manipulators or well-meaning himbos? Sometimes these silver-tongued devils can get people to do things they'll later regret.
8 ticket(s) left$75.00+ $4.39 fee