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General Admission ticket
Pancake Pride Ecumenical Celebration Service is a safe event for LGBTIQA+ persons and our loved ones, the event welcomes all who wishes to expand respect and protect the safety, wellbeing and flourishing of LGBTIQA+ members of our communities.
Pancake Pride Ecumenical Celebration Service is a safe event for LGBTIQA+ persons and our loved ones, the event welcomes all who wishes to expand respect and protect the safety, wellbeing and flourishing of LGBTIQA+ members of our communities.
Equal Voices
All donations received for this event are used directly to defray costs for Pancake Pride Ecumenical Celebration and to support the ongoing ecumenical ministry collective work of Rainbow Christians Together in Sydney NSW.
All donations received for this event are used directly to defray costs for Pancake Pride Ecumenical Celebration and to support the ongoing ecumenical ministry collective work of Rainbow Christians Together in Sydney NSW.