Choose your tickets
Early Bird General Admission ticket
General Admission to the Festival - all three stages of music, food, and vendors. Does not include VIP tent access. Please consider adding a donation to your ticket purchase.
General Admission to the Festival - all three stages of music, food, and vendors. Does not include VIP tent access. Please consider adding a donation to your ticket purchase.
$60.00+ $4.63 feeEarly Bird VIP ticket
The full deluxe experience. Your VIP ticket includes a reserved seat in the shade under our VIP tent + complimentary beer and wine tasting + complimentary hors d'oeuvres. All in all, an amazing way to take in the main stage lineup. Treat yourself!
The full deluxe experience. Your VIP ticket includes a reserved seat in the shade under our VIP tent + complimentary beer and wine tasting + complimentary hors d'oeuvres. All in all, an amazing way to take in the main stage lineup. Treat yourself!
$149.00+ $8.10 fee
Please help us to continue to provide music for the children in our local public schools by making a donation!
Please help us to continue to provide music for the children in our local public schools by making a donation!