Choose your tickets
School Package ticket
Use access code SCHOOLPACKAGE in the promo code box above, to unlock school package tickets. This package grants unlimited access for teachers per year level, allowing you to register your teachers for the courses you need. Then add the School package year level tickets you require to your order.
Use access code SCHOOLPACKAGE in the promo code box above, to unlock school package tickets. This package grants unlimited access for teachers per year level, allowing you to register your teachers for the courses you need. Then add the School package year level tickets you require to your order.
$2500.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 17th March Foundation Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 18th March Year 1 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 19th March Year 2 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 20th March Year 3 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 21st March Year 4 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 24th March Year 5 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 25th March Year 6 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 12th March Year 7 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 13th March Year 8 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GSTWorkshop 1- 14th March Year 9 Individual participation. Term 2, 3, 4 workshop dates to be advised. ticket
$100.00+ GST