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QLD AI Hub Cairns: AI Literacy Series

Wed 24th Apr 2024, 4:30 pm - Fri 6th Dec 2024, 6:00 pm AEST

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  1. Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    Sales ended Wed 24th Apr 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

    Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    Sales ended Wed 24th Apr 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

  2. Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    Sales ended Thu 23rd May 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

    Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    Sales ended Thu 23rd May 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

  3. Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    Sales ended Fri 28th Jun 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

    Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    Sales ended Fri 28th Jun 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

  4. Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI


    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

    Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI

    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

  5. Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration


    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

    Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration

    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

  6. Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn


    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

    Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn

    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

  7. Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation


    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

    Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation

    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

  8. Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology


    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

    Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology

    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

  9. Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it


    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

    Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it

    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

  10. Online Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    Sales ended Wed 24th Apr 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

    Online Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    Sales ended Wed 24th Apr 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

    In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) poses both opportunities and challenges for SMEs and startups. As businesses harness the power of AI to innovate and create, understanding the legal obligations surrounding patents, trademarks, and registration becomes paramount. In this session, we delve into the realm of "Gen AI" and provide practical insights to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complex terrain of IP law. Gen AI represents the next generation of AI systems characterized by their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously. These advanced systems hold immense potential for revolutionizing industries, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation. However, with innovation comes the need for robust IP protection to safeguard intellectual assets and maintain a competitive edge. As SMEs and startups embark on their journey into the realm of Gen AI, understanding the intricacies of intellectual property law is imperative. By proactively addressing patent, trademark, and registration considerations, businesses can safeguard their innovations, mitigate legal risks, and position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through collaboration with experienced legal professionals and diligent adherence to best practices, entrepreneurs can navigate the legal obligations associated with AI innovation with confidence and clarity. AI Tool Kit: IP Stocktake Checklist – checking ownership or right to use IP inputs and outputs of AI

  11. Online Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    Sales ended Thu 23rd May 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

    Online Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    Sales ended Thu 23rd May 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

    This session is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI might shape the future workforce, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the evolving landscape of work. The session will start with an overview of the current state of AI technology (ever changing) and its trajectory. An overview of key advancements and how AI is poised to redefine industries, professions, and the nature of work itself will be explored. From this session you will come away with a template on how to plan for the dynamic shift of the future workforce and it impact on SME and startup ecosystem in regional Queensland. AI in the Workplace: We will explore various roles on how AI technologies are starting to play in the workplace, from automating routine tasks to assisting in complex decision-making processes. · Jobs of the Future: Explore how job roles might evolve with AI integration, identifying new jobs that AI could create. · Reskilling in the AI Age: Emphasise the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning. Highlight skills that will be in demand, such as problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and technical skills related to AI. Ethical Considerations and AI Governance: · Ethical AI Use: Address ethical considerations in deploying AI, including fairness, transparency, and accountability. · Regulating AI: Discuss the role of policies and regulations to ensure safe and equitable AI use in the workforce. AI and Organizational Transformation: · Changing Work Cultures: How AI can lead to more data-driven decision-making cultures within organizations. · Leadership in the AI Era: The role of leaders in managing the transition towards AI-driven workflows, including fostering an AI-ready culture.

  12. Online Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    Sales ended Thu 27th Jun 2024, 12:00 pm AEST


    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

    Online Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    Sales ended Thu 27th Jun 2024, 12:00 pm AEST

    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

    Summary: We strongly believe that there is a math geek in all of us! Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the heart of Generative AI (Gen AI), where the realms of mathematics and artificial intelligence converge to unlock boundless possibilities. This workshop highlights how mathematics is the backbone of Gen AI, we will embark on an adventure to explore algorithms, equations, and mathematical principles that underpin the evolution of Gen AI systems. Get ready to unleash your inner math geek as we explore the captivating world where numbers come alive to shape the future of technology. This workshop is structured to include a mix of theoretical foundations, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions. Some examples of the sessions you can select during the workshop include: · Hands-on Session with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Provide a simple code walkthrough to show how mathematical concepts are implemented in creating a basic neural network. · Experiment with a Generative Model: Demonstration on the process of training a simple GAN or VAE, showcasing the interplay of math and AI. · Math Puzzles in AI: Participate with puzzles/challenges that illustrate the mathematical concepts used in AI. · Group Project: You can also form small groups to work on a mini project, like designing a basic neural network model to solve a simple problem. This becomes homework – post workshop. *AI Tool Kit from Aidan

  13. Online Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI


    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

    Online Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI

    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. This dedicated workshop illuminates the myriad ways in which AI technologies can revolutionise construction processes, from design through to execution. The workshop delved into several key areas: 1. AI in Design and Planning: showcasing how AI algorithms can optimize building designs for both efficiency and sustainability, drastically reducing waste and improving energy use. The potential for predictive analytics to forecast project outcomes and timelines with unprecedented accuracy is a highlight, offering a glimpse into a future where overruns are significantly minimised. 2. Automation and Robotics: exploring the role of AI-driven robotics in construction, demonstrating their ability to execute tasks ranging from bricklaying to complex component assembly. This not only speeds up the construction process but also enhances safety by reducing human exposure to hazardous conditions. 3. Supply Chain Optimization: AI's capacity to streamline supply chains, ensuring materials are delivered just in time and at optimal cost. Through AI, the construction industry can achieve a level of efficiency previously deemed unattainable. 4. Maintenance and Operation: AI’s role in the predictive maintenance of structures, using sensors and data analytics to foresee and address potential issues before they escalate. This promises a future where buildings and infrastructures self-report their condition, paving the way for timely interventions. 5. Collaborative AI: collaborative AI, where human expertise and AI capabilities are combined to solve complex problems, enabling more innovative construction methods and materials. 6. Case Studies with Test- Lab 360: Real-world examples underscored AI’s impact, illustrating significant improvements in project timelines, cost savings, and sustainability achievements. 7. Ethical Considerations and Workforce Impact: addressing the ethical implications of AI in construction, including workforce displacement and privacy concerns. This highlights the need for strategies to reskill and upskill workers to thrive alongside AI technologies. The workshop is a forward-looking perspective, urging participants to embrace AI as a critical tool for innovation. It calls for an industry-wide commitment to adopting these technologies, advocating for investment in AI research and development to tailor solutions to construction's unique challenges. The call to action for the construction industry is to harness the power of AI, thereby driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability to new heights.

  14. Online Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration


    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

    Online Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration

    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

    This pioneering workshop dives into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics within the realm of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs). As we stand on the brink of a new era in ocean exploration, this event will explore how these advanced technologies are not only reshaping our approach to studying the oceans but also revolutionizing tasks ranging from underwater infrastructure maintenance to deep-sea mining and marine biology research. Objectives: · To provide a comprehensive overview of current AI and robotics technologies being utilised in underwater autonomous vehicles. · To explore the future landscape of ocean exploration, emphasizing the untapped potential and the challenges ahead. · To foster discussions on ethical considerations, environmental impact, and the sustainable use of ocean resources. · To encourage collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industry leaders to drive forward the development and application of these technologies. Key Topics 1. Introduction & Demonstration of Teleportal - Underwater Autonomous Vehicles: · Overview of UAVs: capabilities, current applications, and technological advancements. · The role of AI in enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of underwater vehicles. 2. Innovations in AI and Robotics for UAVs Hands on Activity: · Taster: cutting-edge AI algorithms for navigation, data collection, and real-time decision-making in complex underwater environments. · Taster: Advances in robotic systems for precise operations in deep-sea conditions. 3. Applications and Case Studies: · Insightful case studies on the use of AI-powered UAVs in scientific research, underwater archaeology, infrastructure inspection, and marine conservation. · Future applications: potential breakthroughs in deep-sea mining, disaster recovery, and more. 4. Challenges and Opportunities: · Navigating the technical, ethical, and environmental challenges facing the deployment of UAVs. · Discussion on the future landscape: opportunities for innovation and the role of international collaboration. 5. Ethics, Policy, and Sustainability: · Ethical considerations in the development and use of UAV technology. · Policy frameworks and regulations governing the use of underwater autonomous systems. · Strategies for ensuring the sustainable and responsible exploration of oceanic resources. 6. Interactive Sessions and Workshops: · Hands-on demonstrations of UAV technology and AI platforms. · Group discussions and brainstorming sessions on overcoming current limitations and envisioning the future of underwater exploration. 7. Networking and Collaborative Opportunities: · Opportunities for participants to network with leading experts, innovators, and policymakers. · Panel discussions on fostering cross-sectoral partnerships for advancing UAV technologies. Target Audience: This workshop is tailored for a diverse group of participants, including researchers, engineers, policymakers, environmental advocates, and industry stakeholders who are interested in the intersection of technology, exploration, and conservation of the oceanic frontier. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the current state and future potential of AI and robotics in underwater exploration with AI assets. They will gain insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead, equipped with knowledge and connections to contribute to the responsible advancement of underwater autonomous vehicle technologies.

  15. Online Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn


    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

    Online Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn

    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

    This immersive workshop, leveraging the expertise of Adam Jacobson, founder of Annalise, and Dr. Eujoon Ahn, delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and medical fields. Participants will have the unique opportunity to test and apply AI models, datasets, and other assets to their use cases and case studies, exploring how AI can enhance patient care, diagnosis, treatment planning, and operational efficiencies. Objectives: · To introduce the fundamentals of AI in healthcare, including key technologies and their applications. · To provide hands-on experience with AI models and datasets relevant to healthcare. · To showcase innovative case studies and use cases from the work of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. · To facilitate the development of practical AI applications by participants for their specific healthcare challenges. Key Topics: 1. Foundations of AI in Healthcare · Overview of AI technologies transforming healthcare: machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics. · Ethical considerations and data privacy in healthcare AI. 2. Deep Diving into AI Models and Datasets · Introduction to various AI models and datasets used in healthcare, covering diagnosis, patient monitoring, and health records analysis. · Workshops on accessing, handling, and applying these assets in healthcare scenarios. 3. Innovations by Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn · Detailed exploration of their contributions to healthcare AI, including predictive models for patient outcomes and AI-driven diagnostic tools. · Discussion on the challenges and solutions in developing and implementing AI solutions in healthcare. 4. Hands-On Application Development · Guided sessions where participants use AI models and datasets to address real-world healthcare problems. · Techniques for integrating AI tools into clinical workflows and patient care strategies. 5. Interactive Case Studies and Use Cases · Analysis of successful AI applications in healthcare settings, highlighting the impact on patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. · Group activities to brainstorm and develop AI-driven solutions for presented case studies. AI Assets for Workshop Participants · Access to a curated list of AI models and healthcare datasets for practical exercises. · Resources and guides on implementing AI solutions in healthcare environments. · Tools and platforms for developing and testing AI-driven healthcare applications. Target Audience: Healthcare professionals, AI and data science enthusiasts, medical researchers, healthcare startup founders, and students interested in the intersection of AI and healthcare. This workshop is designed for those looking to understand and apply AI technologies to improve patient care and healthcare operations. Outcome: Participants will leave the workshop equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to leverage AI in healthcare. They will gain firsthand experience in applying AI models and datasets to solve healthcare challenges, inspired by the innovations of Adam Jacobson and Dr. Eujoon Ahn. Furthermore, attendees will be empowered to initiate or enhance AI-driven projects within their own organizations or fields of study, contributing to the future of healthcare innovation.

  16. Online Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation


    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

    Online Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation

    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

    This dynamic workshop, inspired by the expertise of Dr. Karen Joyce in AI, drones, data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies for advanced environmental monitoring and management. Through hands-on sessions, case studies, and access to AI assets, participants will learn how to transform aerial data captured by drones into actionable insights using AI and GIS tools, aligning with key messages from GeoNadir workshops. Objectives: · To introduce participants to the fundamentals of drone technology, AI, and GIS for environmental applications. · To demonstrate how to process and analyze drone-captured data using AI algorithms for enhanced decision-making. · To explore real-world applications through case studies that highlight the impact of integrated drone and AI technologies in environmental science. · To provide participants with practical experience using AI assets and GIS software to analyze and interpret drone data. Key Topics: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology and GIS · Basics of drone operations for environmental monitoring. · Overview of GIS and its significance in spatial data analysis. 2. AI in Earth Observation · Role of AI in processing and enhancing drone-captured imagery. · Machine learning algorithms for detecting patterns, changes, and anomalies in environmental data. 3. Practical Applications and Case Studies · Detailed exploration of case studies showcasing Dr. Joyce's work in coral reef mapping, vegetation monitoring, and disaster assessment. · Discussion on the versatility of drone technology and AI in various sectors including agriculture, conservation, and urban planning. 4. Hands-on Sessions with AI and GIS Tools · Participants will gain access to AI assets for analysing drone imagery, such as object detection models and classification algorithms. · Guided exercises in GIS software for spatial analysis and visualization of drone data. 5. Ethical Considerations and Data Management · Best practices for ethical drone operation and data handling. · Importance of data privacy, consent, and responsible use of AI in environmental contexts. Case Studies: · Coral Reef Mapping: Utilizing drone imagery and AI for detailed mapping and health assessment of coral reefs. · Vegetation Monitoring: Applying AI algorithms to drone data for tracking vegetation cover changes and identifying areas at risk of deforestation. · Disaster Assessment: Leveraging drones and AI for rapid assessment of natural disaster impacts, aiding in efficient response and recovery efforts. AI Assets for Workshop Participants: · Access to pre-configured AI models for environmental image analysis. · Datasets of drone-captured imagery for practical exercises. · Resources and tutorials on using GIS software for data visualization and interpretation. Target Audience: Environmental scientists, GIS specialists, drone enthusiasts, students, and professionals interested in the convergence of technology and environmental science. This workshop is designed for those eager to explore the practical applications of AI, drones, and GIS in environmental monitoring and management. Outcome: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a solid foundation in the application of drones, AI, and GIS for environmental purposes. They will have hands-on experience in processing and analysing aerial data, ready to apply these skills in their fields. Furthermore, they will be part of a growing community committed to leveraging technology for the betterment of environmental research and conservation efforts.

  17. Online Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology


    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

    Online Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology

    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

    This workshop, inspired by the insights of Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen, focuses on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive social impact and support the missions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). Participants will explore the vast potential of AI in addressing global challenges, enhancing operational efficiencies, and creating innovative solutions for social good. Through real-world case studies, hands-on sessions, and prototype development, attendees will gain practical experience in applying AI tools and methodologies to their unique use cases. Objectives · To introduce the fundamentals of AI and its applicability in the social sector. · To highlight successful applications of AI in NGOs and NFPs through case studies. · To provide a hands-on experience with AI models, datasets, and tools relevant to social impact projects. · To facilitate the development of AI-driven prototypes that address specific challenges faced by NGOs and NFPs. Key Topics 1. AI Fundamentals for Social Impact · Introduction to AI technologies and their potential to drive social change. · Ethical considerations in deploying AI for social good. · Examination of real-world applications of AI in the social sector, highlighting projects by Dr. Shane Pointing and Tomas Jensen. · Discussions on how AI has been used to improve healthcare, education, environmental conservation, and more. 2. Data for Good · Understanding the importance of data in AI implementations. · Strategies for collecting, managing, and leveraging data ethically and effectively in social impact projects. 3. AI Tools and Technologies · Hands-on training with AI models and datasets tailored to social good initiatives. · Guidance on selecting appropriate AI tools for various project needs. 4. Prototype Development Lab · Participants apply their learnings to develop AI-driven prototypes addressing challenges within their organizations or communities. · Mentorship and feedback from experts in AI, social impact, and technology development. Real-World Application and Prototype Development: Participants will engage in a practical, project-based session where they apply AI tools to develop prototypes aimed at solving real-world challenges identified by their organizations. This hands-on experience is designed to solidify their understanding of AI's potential and equip them with the skills to implement technology-driven solutions within their NGOs or NFPs. Target Audience · Leaders, managers, and staff of NGOs and NFPs seeking to leverage AI for social good. · Social entrepreneurs and innovators interested in applying AI in their projects. · Technologists and AI enthusiasts eager to contribute to social impact initiatives. Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how AI can be applied in the social sector to drive meaningful change. They will leave with actionable insights, a prototype for their own project, and a network of peers and experts to support their journey in utilizing AI for social good.

  18. Online Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it


    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

    Online Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it

    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

    To introduce the fundamentals of generated music, inspire with DJ Mic Black's insights, and provide a hands-on demo of AI music generation tools. Workshop Agenda: Introduction (15 minutes): · Welcome and Overview: Brief introduction to the workshop, objectives, and what participants will gain. · Meet DJ Mic Black: A quick dive into DJ Mic Black's background in music and technology, highlighting his work with AI in music production. The Heart of AI in Music (30 minutes) · Exploring AI in Music: An engaging presentation on the role of AI in music, showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it. · DJ Mic Black's Approach: Insight into how DJ Mic Black integrates AI with traditional music production to create unique sounds. Hands-On Demonstration (45 minutes): · Live Demo by DJ Mic Black: Watch DJ Mic Black create music live using AI music generation tools, explaining the process step by step. · Participant Interaction: Opportunities for participants to ask questions and suggest ideas during the demo, making it interactive and dynamic. Q&A and Wrap-Up (30 minutes): · Open Floor for Questions: Participants can ask DJ Mic Black and the workshop team questions about AI music production, career advice, or specific tools. · Closing Remarks: Final thoughts from DJ Mic Black on the future of music production with AI and encouragement for participants to explore further. Materials and Tools Provided: · Digital handout with key points from the workshop, resources for further learning, and links to AI music generation tools. Follow-Up Opportunities: · Access to a recording of the workshop for review and further practice. · Invitation to join a community forum or group for ongoing discussion and collaboration. This streamlined workshop is designed to maximize the learning experience within a limited timeframe, providing participants with insights, inspiration, and a taste of the possibilities that AI brings to music production. Finishing up with drinks and nibbles.

  19. Package
    Bulk Pack - In-Person
    • 1x Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    • 1x Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    • 1x Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    • 1x Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI
    • 1x Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration
    • 1x Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn
    • 1x Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation
    • 1x Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology
    • 1x Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it
    Bulk Pack - In-Person
    • 1x Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    • 1x Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    • 1x Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    • 1x Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI
    • 1x Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration
    • 1x Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn
    • 1x Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation
    • 1x Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology
    • 1x Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it
  20. Package
    Bulk Pack - Online
    • 1x Online Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    • 1x Online Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    • 1x Online Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    • 1x Online Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI
    • 1x Online Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration
    • 1x Online Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn
    • 1x Online Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation
    • 1x Online Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology
    • 1x Online Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it
    Bulk Pack - Online
    • 1x Online Workshop 2 - Navigating the Legal Landscape: Gen AI and Intellectual Property
    • 1x Online Workshop 3 - How is Gen AI shifting in the workforce of the Future?
    • 1x Online Workshop 4 - Discovering Mathematical Magic - Through exploring the Math behind Generative AI
    • 1x Online Workshop 5 - Building the Future: Revolutionising Construction with AI
    • 1x Online Workshop 6 - Navigating the Depths: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Underwater Exploration
    • 1x Online Workshop 7 - AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care with Adam Jacobson and Dr Eujoon Ahn
    • 1x Online Workshop 8 - Sky to Screen: Harnessing AI, Drones, and GIS for Earth Observation
    • 1x Online Workshop 9 - AI for Social Good: Empowering NGOs and NFPs through Technology
    • 1x Online Workshop 10 - AI Beats: The role of AI in Music - Showcasing examples of generated music and discussing the technology behind it

Order summary

QLD AI Hub Cairns: AI Literacy Series
Wed 24th Apr 2024, 4:30 pm - Fri 6th Dec 2024, 6:00 pm AEST

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