Film Workshop Thurs 20th 12-1pm ticket
- Claire Martin Professional Photographer and ECU Lecturer will take you through the Basic General Settings of your Film Camera, to make sure it's in top shape!
- The Workshop will meet at the T.12 Activation Space.
- Please make sure to bring your camera with you,
- Film SLR, Rangefinder, 35mm, medium format or compact cameras are fine to bring, if interchangeable camera please make sure to bring at least one lens, and a roll of film too! If not loaded in camera is OK, there will be staff on board to help you as well as Claire.
- This is a one hour info workshop designed for basics to intermediate.
- Claire Martin Professional Photographer and ECU Lecturer will take you through the Basic General Settings of your Film Camera, to make sure it's in top shape!
- The Workshop will meet at the T.12 Activation Space.
- Please make sure to bring your camera with you,
- Film SLR, Rangefinder, 35mm, medium format or compact cameras are fine to bring, if interchangeable camera please make sure to bring at least one lens, and a roll of film too! If not loaded in camera is OK, there will be staff on board to help you as well as Claire.
- This is a one hour info workshop designed for basics to intermediate.