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Recording of Helping Children Manage Conflicts

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Helping Children Manage Conflicts: Sylvia will discuss what parents can expect as age-appropriate behaviour, and then delve into some skill-building to assist children with managing conflicts, including how to navigate sibling rivalry. 

Join us for this session with Child Behaviour and Development Coach, Sylvia Arotin.



Sylvia Arotin has over 13 years of experience in Montessori teaching and is the founder and director of My Montessori (0-6 yrs) School in Sydney. Her passion for children’s learning and development, as well as supporting and educating parents, has been fundamental in developing her well-established Guide & Grow brand, which is the largest online Montessori support platform for parents in the world. Sylvia holds an International Montessori 0-3yrs diploma, 3-6 assistants certificate, an International Communications degree and a Master in Teaching specialising in early childhood (0-5 yrs) (Honours) from Macquarie University. Sylvia looks forward to continuing her global mission of spreading the Montessori way of life in the years to come.

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